Work in Arendal

Before you arrive 

When you plan to move to Arendal, there are a few things you can do to make the transision easier. You can start by visiting these websites to get more information. 

The Norwegian Directorate of immigration (UDI)

Handles all applications for permits and visas. Your main source of information in your immigration process, with step by step guide through the whole application and registration process, based on your citizenship and situation.

Immigration to Norway - The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration

The Norwegian Police

Information and guides to the application and registration process.

Residence permits and protection - The police

Work in Norway 

For labour migrants, Norwegian employers and foreign companies launching services in Norway.

Owned by the police, the Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV), the Directorate of Immigration (UDI), the Tax Administration (Skatteetaten) and the Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).

Go to (english startpage)
Go to Guide for citizens from countries outside EU/EEA

Looking for a job in Arendal

There are several ways of finding a job. Your network is the most efficient source of information. A good place to start your networking is to contact Welcome Hub. Go to Welcome Hub Agder website. 

Here are a few job listings websites to get you started. 

The Municipality of Arendal 

Arendal Municipality is a major employer within health, education, public administration and other publicly run services.
Go to jobs at Arendal Municipality Arbeidsplassen

On the website for the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV), there is a section called “Arbeidsplassen” (the workplace).
Go to Arbeidsplassen at (Google Translate) - job

This is Norway's largest site for all kinds of ads. Go to the section called "Jobb". You can filter down to jobs in Arendal and the southern region.
Go to (Google Translate)