Kindergarten, schools and education

All kinderkartens in Arendal

Links to all kindergartens in Arendal (In Norwegian)

How to apply

  • You can apply for kindergarten placement through joint coordinated admissions for all municipal and private kindergartens in Arendal. 
  • Each child requires their own application. You must choose minimum 3, and maximum 5 alternative kindergartens per application. 
  • Year-round applications are accepted, with a main admission deadline of March 1st for placements starting in August. 
  • You will receive a confirmation email when your application is received. 

Read more about kindergarten in Arendal. (Google Translate)

Apply for kindergarten

Prices and payment

  • There is a maximum price for a kindergarten place.  Food is an additional cost. 
    Read more about prices and payment (Google Translate)
  • Discounts are available for low-income families and families with multiple children attending kindergarten. Second child receives a 30% reduction, while the third child gets a 50% reduction.
  • Low-income families can apply for further price reductions. 
    Read more about applying for a reduced price (Google Translate)

Primary and lower secondary education

Children in Norway start school in the autum of the year that they turn 6. 

Your child will automatically be registered at the local school, but you can choose to apply to another municipality school or one of the private schools in Arendal. 
Read more about starting school (Google Translate)
See all schools in Arendal. (In Norwegian)

Private schools

After school activity programme (SFO)

  • SFO provides additional care before and after school hours.
  •  Available for 1st to 4th-grade, and disabled children from 1st to 7th grade. 
  • For SFO-signup, contact your local school. 

Read more about after school programme (Google Translate)

Arendal Adult Learning Centre

The school has three different departments where we offer

  • Norwegian language course for immigrants
  • Basic education and training at our primary school
  • Special needs education

Read more about the Adult Learning Centre. (Google Translate)

High school

Agder County Council is responsible for the high schools. In Arendal we have two high schools:

University of Agder

UiA is a university located in Grimstad and Kristiansand. 

  • The university accepts applicants twice a year, in January and August. Applications due date varies depending on course or degree. 
  • Visit the website for more information regarding courses and degrees. 
  • The Norwegian State supports education through Lånekassen under certain criteria. 

Read more on the UiA website
Read more about grants and loans through Lånekassen.

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